Your “Budget Summary” will automatically generate results based on the income and expenses you added to the budget worksheet. Once you’ve added all your expenses, click on the “Budget Summary” tab to the right of the “Expense Input” tab. Again, the “DIFFERENCE” column will automatically populate. Go through each category and fill out the “ESTIMATED” and “ACTUAL” sections. This tab is just to the right of the “Income Input” tab, and clicking it should bring up a list of expense categories including bills, transportation, entertainment, child-raising expenses, and more. Next, you’ll need to click on the “Expense Input” tab at the bottom of the sheet. Filling these columns out will automatically complete the “DIFFERENCE” column and show you your total income. You’ll need to fill out both the “ESTIMATED” and “ACTUAL” columns. This includes various income sources such as your regular paycheck, earnings from investments, bonuses, and more. Here you’ll see the full list of income categories. Start by clicking on the “Income Input” tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

To start, you’ll need to click the “Download” button to download our simple monthly budget template, then open it with Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Our simple budget template uses categories for your income and expenses, which you can use to track how much money is coming in and going out each month. Get Started Today Budgeting Using a Simple Budget Template